Our Story


Bree's Hope was birthed straight out of the heart of my 8 year old daughter.  "Bree" spent years praying for a little sister.  When I became pregnant 2 years ago, she was sure this was the little sister she had been waiting for.  Needless to say, it was a shock to her when her baby brother was born- she was thrilled and quickly fell in love with him- but in her heart she is still waiting for her little sister.

Adoption has always had a special place in my heart- I knew from a young girl that I wanted to provide a loving home to a child (or children) who had not been afforded that opportunity.  Fast forward 20 years and I find myself married to a wonderful man with three beautiful children- however that desire has never gone away.  One night when Bree and I were looking through waiting children's photolistings, we stumbled upon Reece's Rainbow.  We were both immediately smitten and quickly fell in love with so many of the sweet faces in the photos.

I know that one day we will adopt a special needs child and Bree will get the sister she has long prayed for, but we are waiting on the Lord for the right timing.  While we struggle for patience in the "meantime", we both feel the pull to do more.  Bree suggested we begin raising money to help those families who are ready to bring these sweet children home but have lack of finances standing in their way.  Her words, "I hope everyone gives money so these kids can finally go home.  And I hope we can bring my sister home soon too."

We have been discussing several ways to begin raising funds for these families and we want to share their stories and sweet faces with you all as well.  Our hope is that you will be moved to help- either financially or physically.  But be warned- once you begin looking at these pictures and hearing their stories, they will forever change you.  Their innocent faces will leave an indelible mark on your heart and you too might be called to do more.

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